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School during pandemic


The global pandemic has undoubtedly brought unique challenges to the education system. Students and teachers around the world are experiencing a significant shift in the way they learn and teach. The sudden transition to online learning and the implementation of various safety measures have disrupted the familiar routine of school life. In this article, we will explore why this is a strange time to be in school and its impact on education.

The Shift to Online Learning

With the closure of physical classrooms, educational institutions quickly adapted to the new normal by shifting to online learning platforms. While this move has allowed for continuity in education, it has presented several obstacles. Students now have to navigate unfamiliar digital platforms and adjust to a more independent learning style. They may face challenges in staying focused and self-disciplined without the traditional classroom environment.

The Impact on Social Interactions

Schooling is not just about academics; it also plays a vital role in social development and interactions. The absence of face-to-face interactions with peers and teachers is a significant loss during this period. Students miss out on opportunities for collaboration, group discussions, and extra-curricular activities that foster social skills and personal growth. Remote learning may also lead to feelings of isolation and reduced motivation.

Safety Measures and Changes in Classroom Dynamics

For those lucky enough to attend physical school, safety measures have dramatically altered the classroom experience. Students must adhere to strict protocols, such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and frequent hand sanitizing. These changes disrupt the organic flow of interactions and may add an additional layer of anxiety to students’ lives.

Adjusting to Uncertainty and Changes

The current circumstances have created an atmosphere of uncertainty in the education sector. Sudden school closures, remote learning challenges, and adapting to new regulations have left students and teachers in a constant state of flux. The lack of clarity regarding the duration of these changes can cause anxiety and stress, making it difficult for individuals to plan their academic journeys effectively.


Undoubtedly, this is a strange time to be in school. The pandemic has upended the traditional educational experience, leaving students and teachers grappling with numerous challenges. However, it is essential to recognize the resilience and adaptability of the education sector as it transforms to meet the needs of the present. By embracing technology, supporting students’ emotional well-being, and providing a sense of stability, we can navigate these uncertain times and continue to provide quality education.

FAQ Section

Q1: How can students stay motivated during online learning?

A1: To stay motivated during online learning, students can create a structured routine, set goals, establish a dedicated study space, and connect with their peers through virtual platforms.

Q2: How can parents support their children’s learning during this time?

A2: Parents can support their children’s learning by providing a conducive learning environment, establishing a schedule, monitoring their progress, and offering emotional support and encouragement.

Q3: What resources are available for teachers to enhance online teaching?

A3: Teachers can utilize various resources such as learning management systems, educational websites, digital libraries, and video conferencing tools to enhance online teaching and engage students effectively.

Q4: How can schools ensure the safety of students during in-person classes?

A4: Schools can ensure the safety of students by implementing safety protocols like regular sanitization, mandatory mask-wearing, social distancing measures, increased ventilation, and frequent testing.

Q5: How can schools prioritize mental health amidst these changes?

A5: Schools can prioritize mental health by offering counseling services, organizing virtual support groups, promoting communication and empathy, and creating a culture of understanding and self-care amongst the student community.