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Are you familiar with industrial automation? In recent times, these phrases have become increasingly prevalent among business professionals, particularly in industry. Industrial automation is a system that can assume the function of human operators. What does it mean?

Let’s complete reading this article to know more about the automation systems.


A system used to control and monitor computerized processes, machines, or devices that typically perform repetitive tasks or functions.

This system can automatically reduce industrial human labor. This system can replace repetitive, mechanized tasks that are typically performed by a single individual.


Industrial automation is a system used to control and monitor a variety of processes, machines, and even computerized devices.

Obviously, this system will reduce human labor in the industrial sector automatically. Additionally, this system can replace one-person tasks that are performed repeatedly.


Here is an explanation of the benefits.

1. Enhance Industrial Productivity

For mass production where production quality is maintained, the use of machines can decrease assembly time per product. Errors that will occur can be minimized when machines are utilized. This is due to the fact that automation can increase consistency and productivity. In addition, industrial automation enables factories to operate nonstop around the clock. Obviously, this will differ when relying on human power.

2. Save Costs

Does that have any bearing on the situation? There is, brother. When an industry is already utilizing robots, the only initial and ongoing expenditures are for maintenance. When human operators are used, the industry is required to pay salaries and benefits. Additionally, because robots can produce higher quality goods, less waste is generated. Well, it can conserve resources.

3. Improved Workplace Safety

Friend, the use of automation in industry has eliminated the need for operators to perform dangerous tasks. Examples include working with hazardous chemicals, lifting heavy objects, working in adverse conditions such as high temperatures, and completing repetitive motion tasks. If these tasks are carried out by robots or machines, operators will be safer.

Industrial automation systems are extremely diverse and can accommodate the requirements of a variety of industries. Consequently, it is crucial to identify the type of automation you require, friend. Yes, so that the budget you allocate will not be wasted.

4. Improved Accuracy and Reliable Repetition

When a job is programmed into an automated machine, the machine is capable of performing repetitive tasks with greater precision than human labor.

5. Minimize Errors

Despite the fact that machines cannot commit errors, their error rate is lower compared to humans.

Find out more about the Omron Automation Component Malaysia.